How much do advertisement really cost?

Screenshot from Google

A guide to paid search

Marketers can make used of search engines online such as Google and Yahoo to show their advertisement on their search engine page as such gain awareness of the brand/products. That’s the reason why there’s always a few recommendations at the top of the search engine page, however, you can differentiate that by the “Ad” beside their link.

So how does paid search advertisement work? Firstly, marketer will set the location of their target market, thereafter they will select the keywords for the search engine web page to show their advertisement.

How much does it cost?

The Most Promising Pay Per Click Advertising Companies in Australia | by  Meenu Thariyan | Medium
Photo form medium

There is no exact price for this kind of advertising strategy. Yes, you won’t know how much you will be paying until the bill come in! Firstly, the marketer will set their bids for their advertisement; the higher your bid the higher chance your advertisement will show on the top of the page or more frequently.


So if you think the bid is just a one-time payment you’re wrong. How Pay-Per-Click advertising work is by the number of time people click onto the link of the advertisement times the price; that will be the cost of the advertisement. Therefore, there is no exact price for it.

So is paid search really worth it?

There are significant advantages for paid search, such as you can see the exact data of consumers that click on your advertisement; this can help you target your market better and increase the value of your business and even better if they ended up buying your product when they click into your advertisement. Paid search is also one of the fastest way to promote your website/online store.

With the significant advantages for paid search, I felt that paid search advertising can help high margins small businesses to capture fewer but more significant clicks that will bring value to their businesses.

Do you agree with me that small businesses can take advantage of paid search or you think that paid search is for the big boys in the market? Thank you for reading! Let me know how you feel and leave a comment down below!

4 thoughts on “How much do advertisement really cost?

  1. Hi Dann!

    Great insights on how Pay-Per-Click advertising works. Personally for me, I feel that Pay-Per-Click advertising can be utilised at any level of a business however its important for businesses to know whether their targeted consumers are prominently spending their time online.

    Having said that, how do you think companies can keep track of the effectiveness of their implementation of Pay-Per-Click advertising? Would love to hear your insights regarding the matter.


    1. Thank you for reading Siraj!

      I agree with you as long as proper research is done, any business can benefit from the Pay-Per-Click advertisement. However, do you think small businesses have the capital to maintain their advertisement or should they go all out to make sure their advertisement come out on the top few search to gain awareness fast?

      I felt that companies can keep track of the traffic on the Pay-Per-Click advertisement on a daily basis and compare it in a month time and calculate the revenue earn before the advertisement and after the advertisement to see the effectiveness of this implementation.


  2. Hi Dann,

    Companies definitely have to put out ads to gain awareness and traction for their businesses. However, there is never ending to how long ads a person or company can put up for. Some way you shared about google ads seems pretty useful to me but when do we think is good enough and stop posting it?


    1. Thank you for reading Ryan!

      I agree with you that one of the most effective ways to gain brand awareness is by advertisement.

      Before this implementation, companies usually have to set their goals and objective for this implementation and have to keep within the budget. So companies will create their very own IMC plan of maybe 6 months, to achieve some target set by them within the budget. So my answer to your question is usually companies will end the advertisement posting at the end of their IMC plan


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